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Future of Organized Play

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 7:50 pm
by motleyslayer
I'm a bit late on making a thread on this but Wizards made an article about the future of Organized Play, finally announcing a clear path on how to make the MPL and announcing the Rivals league.

Basically here's the main points:
-It'll be more clear how to make the MPL and they've introduced the Rivals league. Top few people in the Rivals league will advance to MPL after the season next starts. Bottom few MPL players will fall to Rivals
-they've reorganized the former Pro Tours (again). Basically there's gonna be more of a regional structure now called the Players Tour-with $2.5 million in prizes.
-There's gonna be 3 Arena Mythic Invitationals per season with $750k in prizes
-Magic World Championship remains the highest level with $1 million in prizes and will feature the season's most accomplished players competing
-there will be twice as many qualification spots for both the paper Player's Tour and the online Mythic Invitational
-non Wizards Premier events such as the SCG tour will also feed the Player's Tour
-also going to be more than $10 million in support for the 2020-2021 season

Here's the link to the article so you can read for yoruself.

I'm glad they finally gave a clear path on everything and I'm excited for the MPL Gauntlet, I feel that it could add more drama or excitement to see who will fall down

Tell me your thoughts

Re: Future of Organized Play

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 11:54 pm
by Card Slinger J
Apparently there's now a $500 fine for anyone who criticizes the MPL and Wizards of the Coast themselves: ... The-League ... _fine_for/ ... 5636942850

Frank Karsten is being "muzzled" from posting Grand Prix deck lists and win analysis.

Re: Future of Organized Play

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 2:22 am
by user_938036
The fine seems par for the course as far as "contracting" people's appearances which is what the MPL basically does.

The being muzzled is very significant. Its an awful practice that Wizards has been doing for a long time and its a shame they are now reaching out to others who are disseminating that information.

Re: Future of Organized Play

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 1:53 am
by motleyslayer
some of those rules as posted by Fournier seem excessive IMO. Preventing people in the MPL from saying anything negative seems absurd and makes me wonder what they're trying to hide

Not allowing Karsten to post deck lists is something that really bothers me and will only really prevent people from being able to access information. Preparing for big events will be so much harder because of it