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08/26/2019 Banlist poll - Ban

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 4:06 am
by ktkenshinx
By popular demand! What card(s) do you want BANNED in Modern next Monday? Vote for your selections and discuss.

Unbanning poll here

Re: 08/26/2019 Banlist poll - Ban

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 4:15 am
by The Fluff
voted for Karn Great Creator, Hogaak, and Faithless Looting

Re: 08/26/2019 Banlist poll - Ban

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 5:28 am
by idSurge
Hogaak, obviously.
Faithless Looting and Stirrings. They are a blight on this format, and will be forever.
Teferi, Time Raveler. Just bad for Magic. All formats. I'm not here to play Hearthstone.

Re: 08/26/2019 Banlist poll - Ban

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 8:11 am
by Bearscape
Hogaak, Looting, and then Stirrings with some distance

Didn't give Mox Opal and little Tef a vote since they aren't doing anything specifically busted atm but they just shouldn't really exist

Re: 08/26/2019 Banlist poll - Ban

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 8:24 am
by Simto
lol wut Creator Karn is up for debate??? Why is he even on the list?
I only voted for Hogaak. Keep Looting, Stirrings, Teferi, Tron lands and all that jam.

Re: 08/26/2019 Banlist poll - Ban

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 8:52 am
by iTaLenTZ
Voted for Hogaak, Faithless Loothing, Ancient Stirrings and Wrenn.

If they just ban Hogaak we just go back to how the meta was before MH and that is a Loothing meta. UR Phoenix, Mono red prowess, dregde.....If Loothing goes so should Stirrings. In return Tron benefits more from the London mulligan.

Wrenn will go eventually so might as well ban him now. He makes no positive impact on the format because all his abilities are only good vs fair decks preventing them to enter the format.

Edit: I forgot to add Scale up, Devoted Druid and Neoform. All offenders of the turn 4 rule

Re: 08/26/2019 Banlist poll - Ban

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:01 am
by Depian
I voted for Hogaak and Tron lands

Hogaak is simply busted and we all know the details, no need to say much about it

Tron lands because of the effect they create on the overall format:
Midrange strategies can't really race tron so it incentivises the meta to go under it by playing more aggresive decks and less midrange decks, this means that aggro decks can be more streamlined since they don't have to worry that much about other strategies stopping their plan, they can now focus on being faster.

This leads to games where it's all about sequencing your cards correctly no matter what you have in front of you (which by the way is how Tron plays most games), these kind of games are not very enjoyable to play nor watch and as a player I don't feel like I've outplayed my opponent if I win this way, it feels as if the deck is the one winning because of its clear streamlined plan and I am there simply shuffling and sequencing plays as a computer would.

Re: 08/26/2019 Banlist poll - Ban

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:38 am
by metalmusic_4
Voted hogaak only.
The rest of the format is obscured by the obvious hogaak dominance so I would hold off of any other bans until we see what we are actually dealing with.

Re: 08/26/2019 Banlist poll - Ban

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 1:06 pm
by LeoTzu
Just Hogaak. Let's get him outta here, then figure out where the chips fall before we make any more moves.

Re: 08/26/2019 Banlist poll - Ban

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 3:39 pm
by Amalek0
Hogaak. You need a stable format before you can go back to considerations about the long-term health of the format, which is where most of the other top-voted candidates fall--questions of long-term health, not of the metagame tonight.

Re: 08/26/2019 Banlist poll - Ban

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 7:13 pm
by motleyslayer
I'd be fine with just a Hogaak ban but I have been getting closer to just asking myself if it's time that faithless looting got the ban, even if it nerfs random fair decks like Mardu Pyro

Re: 08/26/2019 Banlist poll - Ban

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 7:23 am
by Sojourner Dusk
Hogaak and Lattice. War Karn without the lock makes it a much more reasonable deck to play against.