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Arena - mega ban list for next weeks event

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 11:38 am
by DrFunkenstein
First time seeing a large banning of cards for an event stated as Standard. This isn't like Nexus of Fate...

Wondering if this is because the development team for Arena may have noticed an overabundance of these particular cards dominating and commonly found among the top tier decks.

Anyone catch wind for what was the catalyst? I hardly read Mothership articles... was it already mentioned?

The cards are:

Benalish Marshal

History of Benalia

Curious Obsession

Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord

Arclight Phoenix

Goblin Chainwhirler

Light Up the Stage

Rekindling Phoenix

Runaway Steam-Kin

Nissa, Who Shakes the World

Wildgrowth Walker

Field of the Dead

Teferi, Hero of Dominaria

Teferi, Time Raveler

Thought Erasure

Feather, the Redeamed

Risen Reef
Approximate Total Cost:

Re: Arena - mega ban list for next weeks event

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 3:43 am
by Algernone25
One thing I can't help but notice is that UG Flash (featuring Frilled Mystic and Nightpack Ambusher) seems to be the only top level deck that's untouched by this sweep of bans. So...either have it built, or be willing to lose to everyone who does I guess?

Re: Arena - mega ban list for next weeks event

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 6:18 am
by SavannahLion
It's interesting to note that a number of those cards, such as Chainwhirler, both Teferi, Nissa, Thought Erasure etc are the same cards that people tend to complain about online. Not sure about the others. Benalish Marshal though? Never really heard or read people complain about it.

Re: Arena - mega ban list for next weeks event

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 11:25 pm
by Algernone25
The list seems like it's designed to knock out the top decks (Orzhov vampires, mono red aggro, Boros/Naya Feather, most flavors of bant, sultai, and esper) and then looked at what was left to see if anything else was busted before doing a second round of hits. (Temur Elementals, Mono-White aggro, mono-blue tempo, UR Drakes)

What they left us at the top was this:
- Jund Dinosaurs, a top tier deck they completely forgot about with Rotting Regisaur and the back half of Collision // Colossus pushing through huge early damage while Carnage Tyrant closes out the late game.
- Blue/Green Flash, the deck only taking a very minor hit in Brineborn Cutthroat while they still win games on the back of huge impact creatures like Frilled Mystic and Nightpack Ambusher.
-Mono-White Cats, with Ajani's Pridemate and Ajani, Strength of the Pride as a soul sisters-type of deck that gains stupid amounts of life.
-UBx Reanimator, using Stitcher's supplier or explore creatures to fill the graveyard and Bond of Revival or Blood for Bones to bring back things like Ilharg, the Raze-Boar, Yarok the Desecrated and Agent of Treachery
-Mono Red Circus, relying on Cavalcade of Calamity and Chandra's Spitfire alongside other 1-power critters to burst out absurd amounts of damage. It's a deck that will win turn 4 if you let it, on the back of Chandra, Acolyte of Flame.

If you want your mirage lands, those are the decks to look at.