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Eggs - Over Uneasy (The Tribe you never saw coming)

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 10:20 am
by DrFunkenstein
Going to troll casual games nation wide. With Arla Palani, Nest Tender, goin' Egg tribal, with a lot of humor in it (while still being a deck that can hold it own).

Here's the deck:
Approximate Total Cost:

It is a silly taking on the classic "eggs" deck, but instead of using the artifacts as the "eggs" I will be using actual eggs for the eggs... kinda scrambles the mind, doesn't it?

The budget-friendly mana base looks like this:
Approximate Total Cost:

With all of the fetches (either expensive or budget), one can add an extra Evolving Wilds, or any of the other uncommon, budget friendly fetches. If you have Prismatic Vista, can also be used, but I suggest adding 1 more of each basic (as I had in the more expensive build).

What does everyone think? Do I need at least 2 more sac outlets, like Goblin Bombardment? If so, does this one sound good, or are there any other suggestions?

Afterthought, what about Feed the Pack? Or Birthing Pod, since 8 of the eggs can be sacked to get the Rukh or Arla, and the Rukh or Arla can be sacked to get the Nesting Dragon.

But for the most part (outside of the mana ramp) I want the sac outlets to be permanents, not one-shot instants or sorceries.