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Re: Marchesa, Rose Wins

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 3:25 pm
by Tevesh
I've wrapped around:
Changes 12/15/21
Approximate Total Cost:

I cut the mass draw suites in the past because I had a crapload of trickle draw. That was fine when the deck wasn't as lean. As it stands now, I easily vomit my entire hand onto the table. That means I need mass draw. Necropotence returns due to its ability to lower my life total and bring three black pips for Gray Merchant of Asphodel. Windfall and Wheel are being placed in for some Draw 7 goodness. And if I'm going to vomit my hand out, why not add Chrome Mox as fast mana to help with the deck's Velocity?

Dark Confidant is the least impressive draw Creature, so it gets the axe for the Mox.

Grim Haruspex doesn't draw that much because at least half my board is tokens. That's what happens when my entire strategy is to go wide with Armies in a Can. I can easily toss away my tokens, not so much the Creators who would cause the Haruspex to draw. Hard pass from me.

Pyre's too much upfront. I need 4 mana and a lot of the time I don't need to tutor for something specific. If that's the case, then I'd take my Draw 7 thankyouverymuch.

I didn't want to axe another Creature and so I looked at my Noncreature slots, Snuff Out looked the least impressive. It's good, don't get me wrong, but it's competing with absolute giants in EDH, if not cEDH.

Aaaaand page four.

Re: Marchesa, Rose Wins

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 12:11 am
by Tevesh
Merry Christmas, you filthy animals:
Changes 12/25/21
Approximate Total Cost:

Terror of the Peaks is too slow. I'm surprised too but in the handful of games I've had, it's the one card that just kept sitting in my hand like dead weight. I'm supposed to spew out my hand, hit a Draw 7 and rinse, repeat until the table or I are dead. Five mana is too expensive. Gray Merchant of Asphodel is worth it because he keeps me alive, it's also frontloaded unlike Kokusho, the Evening Star, so I can try to get a +1/+1 on him to do it again. What makes the deck work is the Ping Package, which isn't impressive with just one guy out there, but two can absolutely burn someone down - five Creatures for 10 life? People die under those conditions. This means more Pingers increases the value of other Pingers. Terror of the Peaks can do this, sure, but I'd need to have Creatures ETB which might not be the case. There have been times where I was running on fumes; I was on the Throne but still low on life, so I couldn't Sacrifice willy-nilly to finish off my opponent. Iguanar's damage is frontloaded, which is important in an aggro deck - see the Kokopuffs vs Gary above. The absolute kicker is that he doesn't specify Nontoken nor Your, making any death helps me burn down my target.

Iguanar is just a placeholder until I can get my mitts on a Spiteful Prankster. That extra toughness is nice but First Strike when Attacking is amazing - he'll possibly survive Combat and see more bodies drop than the Iguanar who comes back on End Step. Or maybe I'll find something else to cut, to increase the bodies in the Ping Package.

Re: Marchesa, Rose Wins

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 5:58 am
by plushpenguin
I made a change to the artifact version which is an entirely different direction.

I went with stuffing the deck with more rocks + draw + Birgi. As it turns out, when my win condition requires a ton of artifacts, more rocks tends to have really good side benefits. I did have to cut a lot of cute stuff though.

Also my deck turning dockside/time sieve into a win condition... yeah...

Re: Marchesa, Rose Wins

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 3:08 pm
by Tevesh
plushpenguin wrote:
2 years ago
I made a change to the artifact version which is an entirely different direction.

I went with stuffing the deck with more rocks + draw + Birgi. As it turns out, when my win condition requires a ton of artifacts, more rocks tends to have really good side benefits. I did have to cut a lot of cute stuff though.

Also my deck turning dockside/time sieve into a win condition... yeah...
Yeah, I saw. It's always a struggle of upgrading a deck and staying within its "lane" when it comes to power. Is it enough that you're playing Robot Marhesa less or your group has gone higher in power?

First change of the new year:
Changes 01/05/22
Approximate Total Cost:

I talked up replacing Hissing Iguanar for the Prankster but I also discussed previously the power of multiple pingers. The damage they do scales up quite quickly, so more pingers are more important. With that in mind, it felt wrong to just do a regular swap and I started looking at other options. I've never seen the Marauders in action in Marchesa but they felt right for the cut immediately. They come down turn 3 and swing out until turn 7 or so when the game ends? That's 4-5 points of damage on average per turn. Compared to the Iguanar who can deal damage limited by the amount of Creatures on the board, which can be way more than five and it's directional: I can shoot the Pillowfort player to death.

Also, I discovered that there is an unlisted character limit in posts. It gobbled up all the changes the deck has been through the years, so good luck for those trying to take a dive into the past of the deck needing to go on an archival dig on Sally.

Re: Marchesa, Rose Wins

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:18 pm
by plushpenguin
Tevesh wrote:
2 years ago
plushpenguin wrote:
2 years ago
I made a change to the artifact version which is an entirely different direction.

I went with stuffing the deck with more rocks + draw + Birgi. As it turns out, when my win condition requires a ton of artifacts, more rocks tends to have really good side benefits. I did have to cut a lot of cute stuff though.

Also my deck turning dockside/time sieve into a win condition... yeah...
Yeah, I saw. It's always a struggle of upgrading a deck and staying within its "lane" when it comes to power. Is it enough that you're playing Robot Marhesa less or your group has gone higher in power?

First change of the new year:
Changes 01/05/22
Approximate Total Cost:

I talked up replacing Hissing Iguanar for the Prankster but I also discussed previously the power of multiple pingers. The damage they do scales up quite quickly, so more pingers are more important. With that in mind, it felt wrong to just do a regular swap and I started looking at other options. I've never seen the Marauders in action in Marchesa but they felt right for the cut immediately. They come down turn 3 and swing out until turn 7 or so when the game ends? That's 4-5 points of damage on average per turn. Compared to the Iguanar who can deal damage limited by the amount of Creatures on the board, which can be way more than five and it's directional: I can shoot the Pillowfort player to death.

Also, I discovered that there is an unlisted character limit in posts. It gobbled up all the changes the deck has been through the years, so good luck for those trying to take a dive into the past of the deck needing to go on an archival dig on Sally.
Yeah, they've gotten good enough at recognizing when the robot deck is about to hit critical mass for a win that they can react properly to it, even when it is extremely difficult for them to effectively do so outside of just "take out the player".

Now, my Xenagod deck on the other hand... got powered up enough I cannot hope to play it against my group ever again unless they pull out their actual competitive decks (for like the 1-2 people who have anything like that).

Re: Marchesa, Rose Wins

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:39 pm
by Tevesh
Well, this seems bonkers.

Re: Marchesa, Rose Wins

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:49 pm
by Tevesh
I need life:
Changes 01/28/22
Approximate Total Cost:

I've lost the last few games because my life total was too low. We're talking 2-3 points, where I could have survived until my turn and won. The deck always did play on razor thin margins but I guess as the format accelerates, this deck does too much damage to itself. In comes the easiest, simplest and cheapest fix: Deathgreeter. I did look for more interesting options but those were too damned expensive; Hell, I am already running Dross Harvester which is an absolute powerhouse. Deathgreeter has no strings, just pads my life total, doing his thing. This means I can burn myself more aggressively when I'm in a more Controlling Pod or hold back on the pain in an Aggressive one. It's also nice that it doesn't have a 'nontoken' clause which I think would be slapped onto this with the modern design team due to how many tokens this deck uses and if my life total ever gets in danger of rising too high, Deathgreeter does say may.

I'm running 38 Lands which is my standard amount. This is not a standard deck. Red Deck Wins used anywhere between 16 to 18 Lands in 60 card Constructed. I do not count Hall of the Bandit Lord to be a Land, it's more like an Equipment that costs my Land Drop. Which means that 37 is probably too many, a vestige of when this deck wasn't as thin and slim as it is now. I think it is safe to cut a Land and I chose Fabled Passage because it may put the Basic into play tapped. I can't afford that, the only ETBT Lands I run that are Grand Coliseum and Path of Ancestry - Grand because it's Pain can keep my life total in deck for Dethrone, Path due to being a pseudo draw engine. That value far exceeds this Basic Fetchland. Prismatic Vista guarantees me an untapped Basic but I do also like that it costs me one life.

Re: Marchesa, Rose Wins

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 2:59 am
by Tevesh
Neon Genesis Kamigawa:
Changes 03/03/22
Approximate Total Cost:

Rabbit Battery is a test. I like that it is a Creature, comes down on 1 and gives Haste out later on. That should bump up my damage numbers by replacing my Swiftfoot Boots. I do like Boots for the Hexproof, but truly it is the Haste that makes it strong. I do think I have enough protection suites to protect Marchesa and other key pieces. Hence, the Rabbit being a test.

Ember-Keeper is straight up superior to the Loyal Apprentice. Apprentice's tokens might be better but I want quantity which has its own quality.

This is an uncertain test. I dislike axing a Sac Outlet but Woe Strider hasn't been that impressive. I do think that Unforgiving One is worth testing, as I can see it grab random things out of the bin. This can range from rescuing Marchesa from being stuck in the 'yard, as it seems that Stifleing her return trigger still gives one of my regular opponents the giggles. The other part where I find a lot of value is in my suit of self Sacrificers, such as Mausoleum Wanderer, Myr Scrapling or an overtaxed Glen Elendra Archmage.

Rankle has been on my %$#% for awhile now. He's good but he's not "Win the Game" good. Every other 4 drop I have either gives me inevitability or is a damned good Sac Outlet. Since I am looking for more ways to close out the game, Thundering Raiju lets me burn the table down. I know I can easily have 8 Modified Creatures turn sideways; two turns is probably the most I'll need to win the game. The Raiju providing a +1/+1 Counter is nice as he can slap that onto Marchesa if she can't attack for Dethrone due the Throne belonging to me.

And because I am a doofus, I forgot to order Iron Apprentice. Myr Scrapling is teed up to be replaced.

Re: Marchesa, Rose Wins

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 2:17 pm
by Tevesh
The money update:
Changes 04/05/22
Approximate Total Cost:

Well, Iron Apprentice isn't exactly money but it is incredible. I think it's upside of putting any number of +1/+1 counters it has accumulated is worth the fact that it can't self sacrifice like Myr Scrapling.

Grenzo is good but feel the most similar to Ragavan. Perhaps I'll miss the Goad and will want him to return, but he feels like the right cut. I'm slimming my curve and Ragavan can get in early to ensure an earlier Marchesa with its Treasures.

Copter was eventually what I settled on. I'm very fond of the Looter Scooter as it grows massively and dodges vanilla Wraths. I can play a Creature, have it Crew and get in - that's some good value. The Voidwalker seems far more powerful even if it'll require a bit of hoop jumping to keep it recurring. Luckily, Iron Apprentice may be up to the task or the previous additions of Thundering Raiju or Unforgiving One.

Re: Marchesa, Rose Wins

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 1:30 am
by hellfiend
Debating picking up the Ob Nixilis....3 and sac'ing a creature to do 12 damage to the's -7 once in a blue moon would net me 7 cards and get me off the throne. No idea what I would cut to stick this in. Its lifegain will go off quite a bit with the deck too. Good and bad sometimes.

Re: Marchesa, Rose Wins

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 3:48 am
by yeti1069
Have you tried Body Launderer yet?

I slotted it into my list and it put in serious work!

Re: Marchesa, Rose Wins

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 2:58 am
by Tevesh
hellfiend wrote:
2 years ago
Debating picking up the Ob Nixilis....3 and sac'ing a creature to do 12 damage to the's -7 once in a blue moon would net me 7 cards and get me off the throne. No idea what I would cut to stick this in. Its lifegain will go off quite a bit with the deck too. Good and bad sometimes.
He relies too much on other things going right; as lean as this deck is, it can't handle gimmicks. Perhaps if this was built for a lower tier.
yeti1069 wrote:
2 years ago
Have you tried Body Launderer yet?

I slotted it into my list and it put in serious work!
No and I didn't consider it; I haven't seen Unforgiving One in action yet and that seems to a better pick for this deck as its styled after RDW. Marchesa is a four drop, she's the only thing I'm going to be casting on four and so other cards at the same mana value and above need 'win the game' written on them to be played. Granted, a lot of my four drops don't look like they would win but they're perfect for this deck as they're usually aggressive, evasive, indestructible and a Sac Outlet. The only exception is Gray Merchant of Asphodel but he not only helps me win but also not lose which is pretty important when I'm going with a tempo strategy.

Changes, No Cap:
Changes 05/08/22
Approximate Total Cost:

Witty Roastmaster is an Impact Tremors on legs which only got cut from this deck because Zulaport Cutthroat exists. Well, now Impact Tremors is a critter and that would be absolutely silly with this deck's many Armies-in-a-Can and the amount of Recursion of of Marchesa's static ability. I finally settled to axe Dross Harvester because while good and with some setup, he can be great but a bit of collusion and he isn't so hot anymore. People unwilling to swing or block and not enough Creatures die to save my skin; or they feed deaths until I choke as I am unable to make profitable Dethroning attacks. In a way, I decided to be proactive in pressuring life totals with this change instead of finding a way to staunch my own.

I drew a Wheel and blew through it without a second thought and that left me without a hand just a few turn cycles later; meanwhile, my opponents saw more cards plus at least two of them when from a hand deficit to a full grip. This deck burns resources quickly and others have to do the same to not get completely bowled over. A Draw 7 is good for me but not so much for me when my opponents might draw into more gas after I've worn them out. A friend pointed out that if the Wheel was Piracy or Reconnaissance Mission I would've drawn ten cards which is plenty of fuel with this deck due to the amount of free spells. He had a point and Drawing 7 each turn, every turn, sounds like a winning combination. I'm willing to test tossing out Wheels for these Draw Enchantments.

I don't own a Reconnaissance Mission but I should probably get one; I'm not too sure if it would replace Thassa's Bidet or Piracy as of yet. I don't like Bidet being an Artifact that makes it easier to destroy; however, it can force attacks which I like. I can chose to chump and open the ways for my big guys, drain people with all of the deaths with Blood Artist or Kardur, Doomscourge or use it to shut off utility Creatures by making them tap down. So, I'll have to weight that against its fragility and if I like it, chuck Piracy for Mission's Cycling.

Re: Marchesa, Rose Wins

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 8:39 pm
by Tevesh
I'm astonished I'm not hearing any buzz for this guy:
Changes 06/23/22
Approximate Total Cost:

Mahadi can make a %$#% of Treasure tokens which really kicks up the deck's ability to Ramp out my hand. I kill at least two of my own Creatures every turn, much less my opponent's or when I do some kind of ridiculous value chaining. I scoured all of my Creatures and while I found Sygg, River Cutthroat to be a possible cut, I am loathe to increase my average CMC in an aggro deck. It also isn't the same, Sygg's draw while Mahadi's Ramp. The next to catch my eye is Unforgiving One. It hasn't done anything wrong; in fact, I haven't even seen in since putting it in my deck. I find myself thinking of Reanimation as Ramp; you cheat permanents into play that have no business being there, just like when an Azusa, Lost but Seeking curves out perfectly and starts pooping out all sorts of big green men. I like the lowered floor on Mahadi; if I find a card struggling, I'll probably give Unforgiving One a chance at redemption.

I haven't seen mass artifact removal like a Vandalblast so I opted to replace Coastal Piracy with Reconnaissance Mission. But maybe I should be running Vandalblast?

Re: Marchesa, Rose Wins

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 9:18 pm
by Arebennian
Tevesh wrote:
2 years ago
I'm astonished I'm not hearing any buzz for this guy. Mahadi can make a %$#% of Treasure tokens which really kicks up the deck's ability to Ramp out my hand. I kill at least two of my own Creatures every turn, much less my opponent's or when I do some kind of ridiculous value chaining.
If he works out and you want a second copy with is both better / worse, then you might be interested in Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge.

Re: Marchesa, Rose Wins

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 5:33 am
by Sirlancelots
Any consideration for body launderer? He draws, gets big with counters and recurs from the GY

Re: Marchesa, Rose Wins

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 1:24 pm
by yeti1069
I'll say that Launderer has been exceptional in my (slower) Marchesa list.

Re: Marchesa, Rose Wins

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 2:28 pm
by Tevesh
Arebennian wrote:
2 years ago
Tevesh wrote:
2 years ago
I'm astonished I'm not hearing any buzz for this guy. Mahadi can make a %$#% of Treasure tokens which really kicks up the deck's ability to Ramp out my hand. I kill at least two of my own Creatures every turn, much less my opponent's or when I do some kind of ridiculous value chaining.
If he works out and you want a second copy with is both better / worse, then you might be interested in Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge.
I hadn't considered Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge since he was originally spoiled because as an Aggro Deck, I can't have strings on whether or not I can turn sideways. He also stipulates nontoken which Mahadi, Emporium Master does not. That's a massive distinction with my Armies-in-a-Can approach.
Sirlancelots wrote:
2 years ago
Any consideration for body launderer? He draws, gets big with counters and recurs from the GY
No, he's too expensive. I've won cEDH pods with this deck; sure, I was outclassed but the lean and mean got the job done. This deck is kind of in 'pubstomper' territory and so I only play it in higher powered pods. I find Body Launderer to be pretty cute but it isn't what I'm looking for. If it is a four drop, it must be at least as good as Marchesa. For example, would you put Body Launderer in the same weight class as Yawgmoth, Thran Physician? That's what I'm looking for. Now, my other four drops might not look as powerful prima facie but they're tailor made for this particular strategy. Indestructible, evasive, high damage, self protecting through giving +1/+1 counters and are Sac Outlets which is incredibly important for this deck. Glen Elendra Archmage is the weakest of my four drops and it's damned strong, which would you prefer to have? The others are so powerful due to how synergistic they are.
yeti1069 wrote:
2 years ago
I'll say that Launderer has been exceptional in my (slower) Marchesa list.
I can certainly imagine.

I almost want to be a dork and make another Marchesa list that is lower powered so I can play with all of these fun pieces that she gets that don't pass muster due to how lean and mean this deck is.

Re: Marchesa, Rose Wins

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 3:17 am
by Tevesh
Changes 10/15/22
Approximate Total Cost:

Sygg's been on my %$#% for a while. I can't control when he triggers and with the advent of so many more duals, it is less likely I get lucky off of a Fetch into Shock. With that, I have an evasive threat who easily gets eaten when I want to draw cards and keep doing so.

Re: Marchesa, Rose Wins

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 10:57 pm
by Tevesh
Chanes 01/14/23
Approximate Total Cost:

Raiju did nothing wrong, Wizards just keeps want to keep pushing pushed %$#%. This deck wants to burn my opponents down and draw cards to keep pushing out more damage. Raiju only does one of those things, Garna does both.