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Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 4:07 pm
by Rasputin101
Runnin wrote:
3 years ago
Runnin wrote:
3 years ago

I'd almost written off Zendikar Rising!
These two are powerhouses!
Artifacts doubling artifacts from the Lithoform Engine! Then our very own mana multiplier!

So excited to test these out!

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 4:11 pm
by Runnin
Same here! I do wonder if the Miraris Wake one is worded so permanents that taps for more than 1 colourless mana does not gain an additional mana.

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 4:14 pm
by Rasputin101
Sol rings would tap for 4, thran dynamos for 6.... Its be ridiculous.

Still, replaces rings of brighthearth in the infinite mana combo with basalt monolith.
Tap for 4, untap for 3.

In the worst case it turns five lands into ten mana!

Its gonna be amazing!

Also, I'm always on the primer, I just don't swap the card about as much as others might :laugh:
Check it at least once a week.

How's Hangarback Walker treating you?

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 7:09 pm
by Runnin
I still haven't managed to try out Hangarback Walker :/ But in theory it should be pretty good! The deck has otherwise faired quite well against my opponents ^^'


Indestructible manarocks!

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 7:15 pm
by Rasputin101
Not sure on the Skyclave Relic.
Better than the budget go-to of Darksteel Citadel as it scales but I steer relatively clear of 3 for 1's.

Only just noticed that Forsaken Monument is Ulamog's blasted remains.
Reckon we'll get a monument to Kozilek that's as strong?

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 7:25 pm
by Mookie
Rasputin101 wrote:
3 years ago
Sol rings would tap for 4, thran dynamos for 6.... Its be ridiculous.
Forsaken Monument only makes permanents tap for 1 extra mana, not double. So Sol Ring taps for 3 and Thran Dynamo would tap for 4. Still good, but slightly less impactful for things that tap for multiple mana already.

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 8:44 pm
by Rasputin101
Yeah, that's what we were saying.
@Runnin mentioned the wording was so that it wasn't a double mana.
I was pointing out how ridonk it would be if it doubled and why they would likely never print that!

The most important part is that Basalt Monolith taps for four!

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 8:20 pm
by Runnin
I actually meant that what if it only applies to permanents that ONLY taps for one colourless mana. So for example wastes taps for two colourless, but Ancient Tomb still tapped for two. But its probably just an additional mana to every mana producing permanent that taps for colourless mana.

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 9:46 pm
by Rasputin101
I suppose.
sol ring technically now says "t: add cc" which could play against but I'm pretty sure it's just a way to abbreviate the word 'colourless'.
I think it would stipulate if it meant only one colourless

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:11 pm
by Rasputin101

Zendikar Rising Update

Zendikar Rising (or Zendagain as I'm calling it) comes out in a few weeks and it seems the eldrazi have been fully wiped out.
The new set has given us a few options and a few obvious ignores!
Here's the cards of note and the ones I'm going to ignore!

Forsaken Monument after a few tests is proving to be.a bit of a powerhouse. Goes infinite with Basalt Monolith (about time Rings of Brighthearth was given a breather), turns 2 for 1's into 2 for 2's allowing you to chain your rocks Smoother and empty your hand fast to keep the mana high.

Lithoform Engine I've yet to test but its obviously strong. Not sure if I'm gonna be running in the 99 due to it tapping it's harder to abuse. Tapping to copy an instant or sorcery is abviously dead in the water but the additional Strionic Resonator in the deck with the option to duplicate a permanent is great.
To me its a little mana hungry for something that appears rather winmore but could be worth a test.

Skyclave Relic seems pretty solid for budget builds and an obvious replacement for a Darksteel Ingot as it scales better into the late game.
Won't be going into this list but worth a mention.

Relic Vial seems a neat little one shot sac outlet that nets you an extra card each time.
Ignore the cleric part. It ain't happening.

Spare Supplies is a good include for the people out there who are playing pseudo cantrips like Scrabbling Claws or Phyrexian Furnace. Nice little extra card for another two after.

The pass pile:
Myriad Construct, Relic Amulet, Relic Axe, Relic Golem, Cliffhaven Kitesail, Sea Gate Colossus, Skyclave Sentinel, Stonework Packbeast, Utility Knife, Throne of Makindi and Crawling Barrens have no place in the list for obvious reasons.

Also, the new line of expeditions give everyone a chance get their hands on some of the less available lands in all new beautiful frames!

TLDR: I'll be running Forsaken Monument, not much else.

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 7:38 pm
by Rasputin101

Main Decklist Update

Mirage Mirror out, Forsaken Monument in!

Monument adds an additional when we tap something for . Absolute powerhouse in this deck and as close to an 'auto-include' as we get. What more is there to say.
Here's my findings and in-depth analysis in getting the most out of it

Let's talk about the most efficient way to cast the monument.
First let's get our head around productivity. I'm going to use wastes as the example so it's easier to wrap your head around.
So with monument on the board:
Wastes: taps for 1, will produce 2 = 200% efficient.
Sisay's ring: taps for 2, will produce 3 =150% efficient.
Thran dynamo: taps for 3, will produce 4, 133% efficient.

Basically the more mana the permanent taps for the less extra you get per mana produced.
Let's say we have a board of 5 wastes, Sisay's ring and a thran dynamo.
The lands will total 5 mana and the rocks will total 5 mana.
If you tap out the lands to produce 5, cast monument, the mana you can then produce from the rocks totals 7.
Flip it the other way and tap the rocks for 5 and cast monument you can then tap the lands for 10 total.
In conclusion, cast monument with the highest mana producing things you have!

Also, its worth being aware that there are some rocks and lands that don't fall into the monunent's line of sight and won't produce the additional mana.
Here's how to not get caught out!
  • Mox Opal: taps for any colour. Colourless is not a colour so can't be named. The opal stays tapping for one.
  • Gilded Lotus: Same as the Opal, taps for coloured, not colourless
  • Coalition Relic: as above
  • Lion's Eye Diamond: not only does this not produce colourless, it doesnt even tap!
  • Ashnod's Altar: Doesn't tap, doesn't count.
    Krark-Clan Ironworks: Also doesn't tap, also doesn't count.
  • Chromatic Lantern: again, coloured mana out of this one but it will also mean that if you have this out and tap an Eye of Ugin for mana, that mana is also coloured and won't produce the extra.
  • Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth: as with the lantern this bad boy taps for b, and means lands can also tap for b. b isn't c!
  • Cavern of Souls: will generate the mana with the first ability BUT, if you named Eldrazi when you played it that spell can be countered. The second ability generates coloured mana and can't be countered, but you can't claim that extra mana as you're tapping for colour.

Similarly Blood Moon (and similar) will wreck the monument too! Mountains tap for r.

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 2:57 pm
by Runnin
I got one turn with Forsaken Monument + Ugin, the Ineffable out. It was duuumb. All the mana, the lifegain was awesome since I gained over 10 life, EASILY. But I faced off against three blue players so it was difficult to resolve things.

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 1:27 pm
by Rasputin101
I bet that was a fun game of waaaaaay too many counters.
I've not really been able to get very many games in with it.
Covid's got me down and away from anyone who plays!

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 4:49 pm
by Runnin
Rasputin101 wrote:
3 years ago
I bet that was a fun game of waaaaaay too many counters.
I've not really been able to get very many games in with it.
Covid's got me down and away from anyone who plays!
You got the Covids? :? Wishing you the best man!

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 2:56 pm
by Rasputin101
Runnin wrote:
3 years ago
Rasputin101 wrote:
3 years ago
I bet that was a fun game of waaaaaay too many counters.
I've not really been able to get very many games in with it.
Covid's got me down and away from anyone who plays!
You got the Covids? :? Wishing you the best man!
Nah, not got it but it's putting a downer on my local games!
Need to get onto Web magic!

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 4:24 pm
by Rasputin101
I know it's not in the vein of this deck and I'm highly unlikely to run it, but I've gotta show some love for Bladegriff Prototype.
Political masterpiece and a relatively decent piece of removal if it lasts a rotation

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 1:21 pm
by Runnin
Rasputin101 wrote:
3 years ago
I know it's not in the vein of this deck and I'm highly unlikely to run it, but I've gotta show some love for Bladegriff Prototype.
Political masterpiece and a relatively decent piece of removal if it lasts a rotation
Yeah, I feel like it can be such a backstabbing card. Then again we have to take what we can get. Otherwise check out this one

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 5:03 pm
by Rasputin101
Horizon Stone... I think I like it...but I'm not sure if it's one of those cards that'll just sit in my hand coz I'll never prioritise casting it over an actual mana rock.
Is it just win-more?

Can we break it?


I broke it

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:20 pm
by Runnin
ehum... Image

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 8:19 pm
by Runnin
Oh my god.... LOOK AT THIS! This is basically Library for commander! And obv bonkers for colourless!


Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 6:43 pm
by Rasputin101
Since they spoiled Jeweled Lotus I've been testing how it runs early mid and late game and its kind of a weird one to call because it can only be used to cast Kozi.
We rely so hard on chasing the rocks together to keep up the tempo but this, like Lion's Eye Diamond doesn't allow us to progress with dumping rocks onto the field. It's gonna take some more testing before I know exactly if I'm going to run it but face value it obviously looks really strong but I can't find any way to abuse it other than using it alongside Clock of Omens and Inspiring Statuary, then it can be used for more than the one shot its designed for. Other than that I can't see any way to make it do more than It does at face value.
Just thinking it terms of Mishra's Workshop and that it can't tap to cast kozi. Although it helps ramp up I've been left at nine mana numerous times and haven't quite been able to get him cast that turn.

War Room is the draw land I've been waiting for. They've been on the line before at something like 4 or 5 plus a tap but at 3 t its bang on the money!

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 7:40 pm
by Runnin
Rasputin101 wrote:
3 years ago
Since they spoiled Jeweled Lotus I've been testing how it runs early mid and late game and its kind of a weird one to call because it can only be used to cast Kozi.
We rely so hard on chasing the rocks together to keep up the tempo but this, like Lion's Eye Diamond doesn't allow us to progress with dumping rocks onto the field. It's gonna take some more testing before I know exactly if I'm going to run it but face value it obviously looks really strong but I can't find any way to abuse it other than using it alongside Clock of Omens and Inspiring Statuary, then it can be used for more than the one shot its designed for. Other than that I can't see any way to make it do more than It does at face value.
Just thinking it terms of Mishra's Workshop and that it can't tap to cast kozi. Although it helps ramp up I've been left at nine mana numerous times and haven't quite been able to get him cast that turn.

War Room is the draw land I've been waiting for. They've been on the line before at something like 4 or 5 plus a tap but at 3 t its bang on the money!
Yeah, I'm thinking in the same vein. However, LED is far better in my build with The Distortion. For me, the reaction to the card is more that it just seems absurd. The ceiling can be superhigh but its quite narrow. I have the same experiences when it comes to workshop. Sometimes its that last mana that you lack, and you even have a WORKSHOP in play. You should be set.

Yeah, I'm superhype for warroom. Not many shared my joy , thought it was meh but I can tell that they're no colourless player.

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 6:26 pm
by Rasputin101
LED has an infinite combo with it so it's strictly better, plus it's good for mana of any kind so when you're top decking with mystic forge it's great.
I think the new lotus is better for 4cmc commanders coz they can be dropped three turns early whereas ours maybe pushes it to a turn earlier than usual.
When it's good it's amazing, when it's not it's a waste.
I'm still on the fence about it but it is a game changer for the decks that can T1 their commander with it!

I'm right there with you on war room though. Great card!

Glad thought vessel's seeing a reprint plus a foilyboi version!

Nows a good time to be getting into playing colourless with all these colourless staples being reprinted.

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 8:11 pm
by Runnin
Rasputin101 wrote:
3 years ago
LED has an infinite combo with it so it's strictly better, plus it's good for mana of any kind so when you're top decking with mystic forge it's great.
I think the new lotus is better for 4cmc commanders coz they can be dropped three turns early whereas ours maybe pushes it to a turn earlier than usual.
When it's good it's amazing, when it's not it's a waste.
I'm still on the fence about it but it is a game changer for the decks that can T1 their commander with it!

I'm right there with you on war room though. Great card!

Glad thought vessel's seeing a reprint plus a foilyboi version!

Nows a good time to be getting into playing colourless with all these colourless staples being reprinted.
I agree with you on all points. Especially 4 cmc planeswalker commanders will be a force if they get them going early.

I still do not have a thought vessel haha. I run a fellwar stone in its place. "Good" that I waited tho haha.

Re: Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:30 pm
by Rasputin101
Nows the time for the thought vessel!

How do we feel on Guildless Commons?
Slow yes. Bad.... No?