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Re: [MCD] - Anti Control Tech

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 8:07 am
by Jemolk
If you're worried about counterspells and aren't playing combo, Multani's Presence is great. Also dirt cheap. Turning all counterspells into Cancel with Trinisphere as suggested above may be painful, but what's even worse is turning them all into Vex.

Re: Red Willbender effect -- sadly nothing that lacks blue for that specific effect. There is, however, Goblin Flectomancer, if you ever want a rattlesnake version in red/blue.

Some other random potential Planeswalker answers for your consideration, since they are what spurred this and can generate stupid amounts of card advantage:
Suppression Field
Phyrexian Revoker
Sorcerous Spyglass
Hex Parasite
Aether Snap
Thief of Blood