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Re: Living Plane Enchantress deck brainstorming

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 1:57 am
by pokken
hyalopterouslemur wrote:
3 years ago
Abzan's the best colors. Black has several options to femporarily or even permanently hit for -1/-1, or Pestilence. White and green offer mass +1/+1. Green, besides beong necessary, also gives you Kamahl, Fist of Krosa as a (very much inferior) second option. Black and white can search.
What commander do you like? I can't really find anything I love.

Re: Living Plane Enchantress deck brainstorming

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 4:17 am
by Ruiner
Maybe Kodama of the East Tree and Ravos, Soultender as partners?

No specific synergy with enchantments but you are getting free stuff with Kodama, and Ravos pumps your creatures and gives you back cards that have died to replay. Doesn't seem too bad a combo to have in general while getting the colors you need.

Re: Living Plane Enchantress deck brainstorming

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 4:51 am
by pokken
I feel like kodama tymna would be almost strictly better if I wanted to do a partner pair. Kodama is pretty dope with skybind so I could get into that.

The thinking is living plane makes a ton of attackers for tymna which is solid synergy.

Kodama skybind is pretty ridiculous though. Play an enchantment and then play all your enchantments as long as you have something to blink that isn't kodama. Or just chain all your lands out worst case.

Kodama would kinda alleviate the need the have any big ramp strategies since you largely just need to get to 11 Mana or so to start bombing kodama and you can animate him as well.

I think you could also use the razaketh animate dead line with kodama to set up the plane norn combo pretty nicely. Would need to think of how to get that chain to work but I think there's a way to make it happen with rector or something.

Maybe like....animate razzle, kodama trigger on the stack, sac a dude, get rector, kodama puts rector in, sac rector for living plane, trigger, search for flickerwisp, wisp razzle off the plane trigger, razzle returns, sac a land to tutor for norn?

Probably a better option than flickerwisp there but just what I could think of offhand..

I think I'd want a handful of cool reanimation fatties like angel of serenity who incidentally synergizes strongly with kodama. Kinda neat lines there.

...y'know ravos might be better, a bit unassuming and pumps my lands and lets me recur kodama I'm theory. Food for thought. combining with night of souls is dope.

I think this is starting to really shape up honestly reanimating fatties, playing greater good and squandered resources, running a loam package and splendid reclamation and world shaper, with doomwake, maybe final parting, maybe even a seasons past loop with squandered and splendid rec. Hits a lot of sweet spots. Not playing too many creatures.

I haven't sleeved something new up in a while so I'm kinda stoked.

Re: Living Plane Enchantress deck brainstorming

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 6:36 am
by kraus911
I did this with Ghave, Guru of Spores using Living Plane with Night of Souls' Betrayal (which also goes well with Humility , especially since Ghave gets around Humility since he comes in with the counters) and then Mirari's Wake and a few other anthem effects so that my lands would live while everyone else's would die. Hey, I'm not saying it was a nice deck...

(edit) Reading back through I'm not offering anything new aside from suggesting anthems. But it was actually a fun deck and worked well with an enchantress shell. I also included some Planeswalkers that either buffed or made tokens or were good for control.

Re: Living Plane Enchantress deck brainstorming

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 6:14 pm
by umtiger
hyalopterouslemur wrote:
3 years ago
Abzan's the best colors. Black has several options to femporarily or even permanently hit for -1/-1, or Pestilence. White and green offer mass +1/+1. Green, besides beong necessary, also gives you Kamahl, Fist of Krosa as a (very much inferior) second option. Black and white can search.
Well, you get to be play green to ramp up enough to cast morality shift and replenish on the same turn.

Re: Living Plane Enchantress deck brainstorming

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 11:18 am
by TheAmericanSpirit
I'm going to throw my 2 cents into this: you should look up the Holy Trinity Marath list, it's doing much of what you're aiming to achieve. The idea is to resolve Stony Silence, Living Plane, and Linvala (or cursed totem) to effectively shut off all opposing mana generation. Marath is also a better commander imo than Ghave for this strategy, considering the board control and options he provides, and red has just as many sweepers as black.

Re: Living Plane Enchantress deck brainstorming

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 3:20 pm
by pokken
TheAmericanSpirit wrote:
3 years ago
I'm going to throw my 2 cents into this: you should look up the Holy Trinity Marath list, it's doing much of what you're aiming to achieve. The idea is to resolve Stony Silence, Living Plane, and Linvala (or cursed totem) to effectively shut off all opposing mana generation. Marath is also a better commander imo than Ghave for this strategy, considering the board control and options he provides, and red has just as many sweepers as black.

Yeah I definitely think Marath is pretty close to what I'm looking for. However, the thing that black adds is that it has *both* reanimation and negative toughness sweepers. At least that's how I am currently leaning.

Marath brings to the table being able to repeatedly kill stuff though which is super nice, and even without support she can be the land machine gun you need.

I got further with the abzan draft so far:

Re: Living Plane Enchantress deck brainstorming

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 4:16 pm
by PrimevalCommander
I like the Living Plane + Elesh Norn combo for 1 sided land wipe and land buff. I had it in a Marath deck for a while, but never got both of those cards in play together because I didn't play the deck enough.

Re: Living Plane Enchantress deck brainstorming

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 1:57 am
by NZB2323
Captain Sisay allows you to search for Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, who will destroy your opponent's lands with a living plane in play, and Linvala, Keeper of Silence, which will make if so your opponents can't tap their lands for mana with a living plane in play. Captain Sisay can also search for Kamahl, Fist of Krosa, who can be a Living Plane replacement.

Green has plenty of ramp, and you can use Enlightened Tutor, Idyllic Tutor, and Sterling Grove to search for Living Plane.

Re: Living Plane Enchantress deck brainstorming

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 2:23 am
by pokken
NZB2323 wrote:
3 years ago
Captain Sisay allows you to search for Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, who will destroy your opponent's lands with a living plane in play, and Linvala, Keeper of Silence, which will make if so your opponents can't tap their lands for mana with a living plane in play. Captain Sisay can also search for Kamahl, Fist of Krosa, who can be a Living Plane replacement.

Green has plenty of ramp, and you can use Enlightened Tutor, Idyllic Tutor, and Sterling Grove to search for Living Plane.

I just can't get behind generals that tutor but it's a very solid suggestion.