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Re: Otrimi, the Ever-Playful (Let's Brew!)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:13 pm
by Kavu Enthusiast
This seems like a really weird situation to me:
Q: What happens if my mutated pile contains a Theros God but I don't have enough devotion to make it a creature?

A: It'll stop being a creature. If the God isn't at the top of the pile, you will have a permanent without a type.
It seems in the AMA they mention this was something that basically one other interaction could cause to occur. As far as I can surmise from my own understanding of the rules, if the permanent has no type and isn't a creature you can't attack with it. You also clearly couldn't mutate it further. Could be a nice trick to make it hard to remove on other people's turns if you had a way to reliably turn it on during your turn and off during opponents, otherwise seems like something to not do.

Seems like a pretty harsh non-bo and a good reason to not mutate a god into a pile anywhere. Then again with a deck like this the number of distinct permanent contribution to devotion is probably lower than average and they're rarely turn on to start.

Re: Otrimi, the Ever-Playful (Let's Brew!)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:31 pm
by Couver
I suppose if you need the indestructible the Amonkhet gods are better for that since they are always creatures. Although then you get caught up in those gods' can't attack/block restrictions.

But Rhonas the Indomitable has an easy enough restriction to meet in an Otrimi deck. Bontu the Glorified maybe less so. Although she would provide a sac outlet on Otrimi and could then bring the creature sac'd back after damage. And both are low enough CMC that they might be worth running.