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Re: Xenagos, God of Revels

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:28 pm
by WizardMN
Here are my overdue card summaries/evaluations for Zendikar Rising and Commander Legends. I just bunched them all together and tried to limit the scope of what cards are being discussed. There might be something I missed of course, but hopefully I got the main ones.

Red Cards

Alena, Kessig Trapper - More mana is always welcome and the big creatures in this list means she is probably tapping for a fair amount each turn. But being that she is 5 mana, it is hard to just throw her in. I think there might be an argument to include her but her cost and slowness of her ability means it probably isn't worth it to try to make her work.

Moraug, Fury of Akoum - Being a green deck, it shouldn't be too difficult to get a few extra combats per turn. Even just playing our land for turn is fine. And since Xenagos's ability is exponential, having a 5/5 to start with gets us a 10/10 into a 20/20 into a 40/40 with three combats which is pretty good. I think I might even like this over Gearhulk or Inferno Titan. I don't want to increase the curve too much so I am leaning toward Gearhulk being the right cut.

Green Cards

Apex Devastator - With the ramp of the deck, and the big creatures this deck has, I just don't think I can pass up this card. I have no idea what is going to happen with it as it can't really be cheated if I want anything more than a 10/10 that can be chumped. But being able to cast this and get 4 free spells on top of it can really turn a game around. I know I am going to whiff by hitting 4 things I really don't want though :) But I am going to find a spot for it in the deck just to see what it can do.

Court of Bounty - An Exploration type card that also adds in some card draw and, maybe, a free creature is something I think this deck will like. Adding Monarch into a game shouldn't be done lightly, but this deck is all about aggression so it shouldn't be too tough to get it back. It is possible the sequencing for Monarch changing means I never get the free creature but the land and the card draw might be enough.

Kamahl, Heart of Krosa - I like Kamahl, Fist of Krosa but that is because he scales reasonably well. This is 8 mana up front vs 6, but is free every subsequent turn (and the turn he enters for that matter) to pump up the team. But I can't get any more than just +3/+3 out of him. I think I would rather stick with Fist of Krosa as a way to really pump up my team.

His activated ability is pretty decent as well, especially when combined with his trigger, so there is some merit to that. But I don't think it ends up being good enough when stapled to an 8 mana creature.

Kodama of the East Tree - So, I have to admit, I am not really a fan of the design of this card. That is, it seems overly powerful and might end up just being oppressive, even when not specifically being built around. With that being said though, it isn't a griefer card on its own necessarily and doesn't just end the game. And it fits pretty well into this type of deck, especially when I might be able to get something else for free after activating Sneak Attack. I am going to find a spot for it but with the caveat that I may remove it later if I really don't like the plays it enables.

Magus of the Order - While I tend to keep my tutors to a minimum, I think one that works as slow as this and is as restrictive as this is fine. I don't include Natural Order but I think this offers more interesting lines of play both from me as well as my opponents since it can be dealt with beyond just playing blue. I am going to give it a try to see what it ends up doing but cheating in a Nyxbloom Ancient seems fun (for me anyway :) ).

Reshape the Earth - This deck doesn't have a lot of utility lands so this would basically just end up being a massive ramp card. I also don't have a lot of landfall cards and have chosen not to include Scute Swarm just yet so there isn't a lot of extra benefit to the lands entering. Even without that though, this deck is pretty mana hungry at times and doubling my mana potential can really help. Because this deck is fairly aggressive, it is possible this card ends up being too slow but I am probably going to try it out.

Although, if I add in Moraug I do have another Landfall card and I am sure I can figure out *something* to do with 10 extra combats...

Multicolor Cards

Hans Eriksson - Hans is interesting in that he is another way to cheat out a creature but he also isn't a complete whiff if a creature isn't on top. If I look at him as card draw when he attacks, he is pretty good just for that. And then, of all the creatures I could get that could also kill him, I think I am fine with that trade. About half the creatures could kill him and only one creature (Lifeblood Hydra) is a complete whiff so it seems reasonable to try him out to see what he can offer.

Re: Xenagos, God of Revels

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 9:53 pm
by WizardMN
With the cards from Zendikar and Commander Legends, here are the changes I am going to make for now:
Approximate Total Cost:

Hans is just being tested to see if he is worth it. One free creature doesn't seem that great in the grand scheme of things but if the top card isn't a creature, or is small enough, he still generates card advantage while living to try again later.

Reshape the Earth just seems like a ton of fun and getting Cradle and Nykthos seem like lands that can really run away with the game. Though, if I am at 9 mana already, I am not sure how much more running I need to do.

It also works exceptionally well with Moraug and getting 10 extra combat phases seems like a lot of fun too. While Reshape might not stick around forever, it is hard to imaging Moraug is cut anytime soon.

Apex Devastator is just another big creature but comes with 4 other cards as well. It is random, which I am totally fine with, but casting this on an empty board to come up with any number of combinations to come back for a win seems magic-christmasland but also seems pretty cool.

Magus is just a tutor that can get me a number of different cards. I don't generally like too many tutors in my decks, but I want to see how this performs.

As for cuts, Gearhulk is quickly being outstripped in terms of power. The same goes for Biogenic Ooze. I think some of the additions end up being better than these and I can afford to lean away from these.

Sunder Shaman is on that is repeatable destruction but as I try to really move into the space of additional combats and big creatures, I don't know that repeatable destruction is needed. I can use the other single use spells for now as they do not require combat damage to be dealt so they are more consistent.

Inferno Titan is probably the cut I like the least. I seriously considered going further down on the mana dorks (it is not a secret I don't like mana dorks) but I figured for now I would try this and see if the other additions can hold up well enough. I may end up adding this back in over a Boreal Druid or something though. I will see.

Neyith of the Dire Hunt is a late addition here (I didn't even realize my cuts and adds weren't even). I have yet to actually get him on the field, but he seems too "cute" for the deck. I have a fair bit of card draw as it is and I don't really care that much about fighting in most cases. I am pretty sure that at least Reshape would get reviewed later so this could come back in, but this feels like the right cut now.

Re: Xenagos, God of Revels

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 4:00 am
by WizardMN
Note that not all changes have been made since Commander Legends isn't online yet so some cards I said I would cut are still here

I decided to get a couple games in online. The first game was Etali, Primal Storm, Niambi, Esteemed Speaker, and Urza, Lord High Artificer.

I did not start well. I mulliganed and kept a 4 lander but no actual ramp. I drew into Boreal Druid right away which did help get down a World Shaper but that was basically it.

Niambi reanimated an Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite and Etali was stealing everyone's stuff. Etali had a pretty commanding board presence but then Urza tried to go off. Etali responded with activating Oblivion Stone but Urza responded with Paradoxical Outcome. They followed this up with Isochron Scepter and Dramatic Reversal.

And then they just went off. Infinite mana, twister effects, etc. The other two people ended scooping but I just stayed in the game because I wanted to write this summary up anyway and this seemed like a good enough time to do it,

Urza ended up winning by activating Urza a bunch of times. I still don't entirely get players who want to sit there for 20 minutes playing with themselves and having to keep clicking everything.

At least I didn't really lose a lot of time. I just joined another game while they continued playing.

This game was against Selvala, Explorer Returned, K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth, and Nekusar, the Mindrazer.

I mulliganed once and kept a hand with 3 lands, Boreal Druid, and no red mana. I basically was hoping to draw into something relevant.

I was able to draw into a Kodama's Reach which got me another Forest and a Mountain so I had my red mana. I did have Balefire Dragon in hand which is 2 red but Finale of Devastation needed two green and I figured I was going to need it eventually to get something. So I left myself open with that.

K'rrik got down a Blood Celebrant right away which is decent in that deck. At least, it epitomizes mono black suicide anyway. They were able to then cast a Priest of Gix and get K'rrik down on turn 3 thanks to a Mind Stone.

Nekusar wasn't doing much at the time and neither was Selvala.

It got back to my turn and I cast Xenagos on turn 3. I didn't really have a lot to do with him, but I figured it would set me up for the next turn if I decided to cast Finale for X=4 or maybe I would draw something. Balefire Dragon was still another turn off and I needed a red mana for it so I figured giving me one more turn to draw something before using Finale was right.

I ended up drawing Ulvenwald Hydra and a Taiga thanks to Nekusar coming down. I just cast the Hydra and got Nykthos.

Selvala cast Selvala and passed and then K'rrik went after my Hydra with Murder so they could attack me. I am not sure if that was right or not, with Nekusar on the field, but it didn't really bother me too much.

On Nekusar's turn, they cast Chromatic Lantern and Jace's Archivist.

On my turn, I cast Balefire Dragon and I really wanted to attack K'rrik. I seemed to have been singled out by K'rrik and they did have the Celebrant and Pontiff of Blight so, in the moment, it seemed like a justifiable attack. But, Nekusar with the Archivist and 6 other mana meant I probably would not have ended up very well if I had gone after K'rrik. So, I went with what was probably the right play and took out Nekusar and Archivist.

I also didn't want the other players to keep drawing more cards nor did I want them to get a new hand as they were down to 4 cards in hand (5 after Selvala activated).

Selvala did a little bit on their turn and passed. K'rrik cast a Guardian Idol and just Extorted a few times to gain some life. They tapped out to do so which means they probably didn't have the greatest hand as K'rrik wasn't being used.

They did end up casting Duress targeting me which took my Genesis Wave. I could have cast it for X = 6 so not bad, but not awesome either.

Nekusar ended up casting Evacuation on their turn to clear the board so I just dropped the Druid and the Dragon again and swung 12 at K'rrik.

Selvala cast the commander and equipped her with Swiftfoot Boots activating her to get mana to then cast Dauntless Escort. They passed the turn.

K'rrik cast Mutilate getting rid of my Dragon (and the Druid). Which, while unfortunate wasn't really enough to do much. They did rebuild a little with Priest of Gix and Blood Celebrant and then passed the turn.

Nekusar dropped in Propaganda and Nin the Pain Artist. I cast Finale and decided to go for Etali, Primal Storm. I could have done Balefire Dragon but I figured Etali was a little better in that particular situation.

Unfortunately, Nekusar cast Drown in the Loch on it so I never got to attack. If I had gotten the Dragon, Drown wouldn't have done anything but oh well.

Selvala cast Karametra and K'rrik cast Pontiff of Blight again. And, they kept up their focus on me which I guess is a little more understandable with Propaganda on the field, but still fell frustrating that I seemed be the only one keeping them in check.

On Nekusar's turn they cast Nekusar and Kederekt Parasite. With Nin, they really had a decent engine going. On my turn though I drew and cast Inferno Titan. This let me kill Nekusar's board while also dealing 12 damage to K'rrik. I cast Hunter's Insight on Titan to draw 12 cards and then cast a Birds as a blocker just in case. I was left tapped out with a bunch of cards in hand.

Selvala got an Umbral Mantle equipped which drew us even more cards. I ended up at 27 cards at the end of their turn. Which sort of sucked. I had a decent plan for my turn but giving everyone 8-10 cards really messed with that. And Selvala didn't really do much with their mana except untap her to draw more cards.

K'rrik cast Sol Ring and K'rrik again on their turn extorting enough to bring me down to 6 life. Then, they attacked me and got me down to 3. They cast another spell after combat and could have drained me for the remaining life but chose not to. I am not sure why. Maybe it is a weird UI thing that didn't let them pay the 2 life for the Extort triggers, but it should have let them do it. I hadn't been paying enough attention to know whether they were doing it before.

It ended up not mattering though. Nekusar cast Psychosis Crawler into Windfall which caused everyone to take 27 damage. Selvala had more than enough life to withstand it but K'rrik was now down to 12. Then Nekusar cast Wheel of Fortune putting Selvala to 21 and K'rrik to 5.

Selvala ended up drawing a bunch of cards which killed K'rrik. I can't say I was too sad to them (essentially) lose to Nekusar in the end. And then Selvala ended up killing Nekusar through good old fashioned combat. Definitely good on them as they flew under the radar quite a bit.

It was sort of weird that no one seemed to care enough about Nekusar but I still made a pretty decent game out of it. I don't think I have any real misplays and I did quite a bit to keep things moving. I may have gotten a little greedy with the Hunter's Insight as I did have Krosan Grip in hand. That would have saved me for another turn anyway since I could have blown up the Crawler.

But it is tough to just sit back with 7 cards in hand where not many are creatures. I think the only creature I had was Lifeblood Hydra so starting my turn with that hand wasn't likely going to do much anyway.

On another note, every time Boreal Druid got bounced, or when it finally died, it just tore at my very soul... :P I just kept thinking "if this had been a land off of Rampant Growth...". I realize that it did ramp me into Kodama's Reach and then finally into Xenagos on turn 3, something Rampant Growth wasn't going to do, so I can't say it was worthless. And arguably, it getting removed was never really a detriment.

Re: Xenagos, God of Revels

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 8:33 pm
by pokken
WizardMN wrote:
3 years ago
Urza ended up winning by activating Urza a bunch of times. I still don't entirely get players who want to sit there for 20 minutes playing with themselves and having to keep clicking everything.

Generally speaking people should scoop to Urza and infinite mana :) It's one of those things that doesn't translate but online but RL you just say "I'll activate until I have exiled my library and then play thassa's oracle from exile, gg."

Re: Xenagos, God of Revels

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 9:18 pm
by WizardMN
pokken wrote:
3 years ago
WizardMN wrote:
3 years ago
Urza ended up winning by activating Urza a bunch of times. I still don't entirely get players who want to sit there for 20 minutes playing with themselves and having to keep clicking everything.

Generally speaking people should scoop to Urza and infinite mana :) It's one of those things that doesn't translate but online but RL you just say "I'll activate until I have exiled my library and then play thassa's oracle from exile, gg."
Which is a fair point but they never played Thassa's Oracle. They did end up stealing all my stuff with Memnarch so it isn't like they would "fizzle" but an infinite combo that takes 30 minutes to pull off just seems dumb.

I don't know. I guess I am sort of salty that they obviously brought a deck that is closer to cEDH than the room was prepared for and didn't seem to care much about pubstomping the rest of us.

I probably should have been the bigger person though. I guess I will have to see what happens the next time.

Re: Xenagos, God of Revels

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 10:35 pm
by pokken
WizardMN wrote:
3 years ago
Which is a fair point but they never played Thassa's Oracle. They did end up stealing all my stuff with Memnarch so it isn't like they would "fizzle" but an infinite combo that takes 30 minutes to pull off just seems dumb.
Yeah, it's a bit of a cultural issue on MTGO really that people don't communicate and just keep durdling. When I have that state, I will chat ppl and let them know it's over (and what my route to win is) and then scoop if they want to make me do it - although I have made people sit through it when they don't answer chat:P

Re: Xenagos, God of Revels

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 8:42 pm
by WizardMN
After looking at the Battlebond and Pathway lands a little closer, I decided to try them out in this deck. I also realized I have a lot of basics in this deck because I never went back and "tuned" the mana base. While this deck has quite a bit of ramp so I don't want to go too far down on the basics, 25 basics is exceptionally high.

So, as part of this review I have decided to try to revamp the mana base a little more. I don't want to go too far down on the basics since this is still a ramp deck, but I think cutting 10 or so basics is fine. I am not sure I want to go much lower than 10-12 so that still leaves a little room for changes later. Here is what I am going to go with:
Approximate Total Cost:

Of these, the Game Trail is probably the most obvious as being the worst. But, I figured with the amount of basics, and typed lands, I have it wouldn't often come into play tapped when I absolutely needed it to enter untapped (ie, early). At least, that is my thought anyway. It might be better off being a Forest, but I want to try it out.

Grove is sort of out there but for a deck like this, I don't think I care enough about opponents gaining one life every so often. Maybe I should?

The rest are pretty obvious: untapped duals or fetches that can help ensure I have the right colors of mana at the right time.

Re: Xenagos, God of Revels

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:46 am
by WizardMN
This isn't as much a game summary as it is simply a record keeping comment.

I played a game against a couple people online. I mulliganed down to 5 cards because I had 0 lands, 1 land, 2 lands (one being Diamond Valley), and finally 1 land, which was a Mountain. I kept because I didn't want to go any lower and I had Boreal Druid and Sakura-Tribe Elder in hand. I ended up drawing a Reliquary Tower and then missed 4 land drops. By the time I had 3 lands, one of the players established a Strip Mine lock so I just left.

Not much to say; sometimes the shuffler just gets you. I probably should have scooped it up when I missed my 3rd land but I was stubborn.

After that I tried to join another game but one of the players disconnected so we never got started.

I might look at my mana base a little closer here as I may not need some of the "colorless" lands I have, but there is very little I can do about this type of situation.

Re: Xenagos, God of Revels

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 7:01 pm
by WizardMN
I played another game online against Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis, Nekusar, the Mindrazer, and Omnath, Locus of Rage.

I actually got lands in my opening hand this time, though not a lot I could really cast. I was sort of hoping for another green creature to just let Magus of the Order take care of it for me. I did start with Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded so I figured I might be able to leverage him later too.

Kynaios cast a Standstill and Omnath cast a spell so I drew 3 cards in my end step. I ended up having to discard since I hadn't cast anything yet. On Kynaios's turn, they cast a Tempting Wurm which gave me Boreal Druid, Magus, and Purphoros. I decided to keep my Ilharg in hand just in case since, if the board was wiped, I would have been down to nothing,

Nekusar ended up getting Anvil of Bogardan and Seizan, Perverter of Truth on the field so we were drawing a lot of cards but taking a bit of damage/losing life. But then Omnath cast Collective Voyage. I didn't pay anything into it, and I don't think anyone else did either so we all got 7 basics. Omnath also had Ashaya, Soul of the Wild on the board from the Wurm and swung at be for 18. I just blocked with the Druid since I didn't really need the mana anymore.

I started my turn and drew 5 cards and discarded one. I cast Scute Swarm and played a Prismatic Vista to get a 4 total Scute Swarms. I then put Ilharg, the Raze-Boar on the field with Purphoros which got me Balefire Dragon that I had just drawn. I also cast Xenagos, God of Revels.

I left back the Magus and didn't have enough Devotion to attack with Purphoros yet so I was "just" swinging with 4 Scute Swarms, one 12/12 Ilharg (thanks to Xenagos), a 6/5 Xenagos, and the 6/6 Balefire Dragon. I pointed them at Nekusar and Omnath. After blocks, which neither chose to block, I activated Magus and sacrificed a Scute Swarm to get Craterhoof Behemoth. This killed both players on the spot.

Kynaios started their turn and cast Heartwood Storyteller and Tempt with Discovery (with which I got a Gaea's Cradle because why not). They then cast Timetwister which got me a new hand. One of the cards was Vista again so I got more tokens. put Etali on the field, and swung out. They didn't bother blocking so I just did 47 damage to them. They could have lived by blocking but I am guessing they didn't really see the point.

This is one of the reasons I don't like Group Hug decks. This game was over on turn 5 and the other two players died on turn 4. I am not necessarily opposed to faster decks as this deck has had its fair share of fast games, but it feels like things are just handed to me when they go like this. Interestingly though, It was really a combination of all 3 opposing decks that led to this so I can't completely blame Kynaios. Sure, they gave me a free couple of permanents but Nekusar gave me a bunch of cards and Omnath gave me the mana to cast them all. Purphoros and Magus were pretty big here too.

So, all in all, a successful game and it really just came down to the right deck for the decks the opponents were playing.

Re: Xenagos, God of Revels

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 7:10 pm
by pokken
WizardMN wrote:
3 years ago
This is one of the reasons I don't like Group Hug decks. This game was over on turn 5 and the other two players died on turn 4. I am not necessarily opposed to faster decks as this deck has had its fair share of fast games, but it feels like things are just handed to me when they go like this. Interestingly though, It was really a combination of all 3 opposing decks that led to this so I can't completely blame Kynaios
I know we've talked about it before but I am in agreement about all the resource-amplification concepts. I would prefer to never play against these effects. They never seem to do what the player expects and usually just result in someone going completely ham. It's very boring.

I only ever play those effects anymore if I can for sure break the synergy.

The worst part about it is that it generally results in a complete nongame that doesn't give you a real understanding of how your deck performs. Maybe you flame out there if you don't get a grip of free cards and +7 lands. You'll never be able to make any real useful conclusions from that game.

Re: Xenagos, God of Revels

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 9:48 pm
by WizardMN
That's exactly it. To be fair, I played against the group hug player twice (they were in a game before as well when I played with a different deck) and it is completely possible that is what they intended their deck to do. That is, their intent could just be to throw resources at everyone and see what happens. It still isn't fun and kind of messes up the game.

I do understand Nekusar's attempt to draw us out too. And maybe it would have been fine without the Collective Voyage. That is probably the weirdest play of the game as there wasn't really a reason to ramp everyone there; Omnath wasn't even on the field yet.

And yeah, there is nothing to pull from that game. I don't get to see how well it actually performs or whether the cards I have are right or wrong. Its just "here, let's see how quickly this game can end". Which I get can be fun (I will admit to having a little fun there but mostly because I won because of everyone else just giving me everything), but it just isn't a real game.

Re: Xenagos, God of Revels

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 5:15 am
by WizardMN
Now that we have the entire set spoiled, as well as the Commander Decks, here are some of the cards that stand out to me for this deck:

Nothing.... I didn't really see anything in the new set that I was enamored with or felt like it could even make it into the deck. Toski, Bearer of Secrets was the closest but I just don't think it is good enough to warrant including. So, it seems this set doesn't have much for Xenagos.

Re: Xenagos, God of Revels

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 6:01 am
by WizardMN
I ended up playing a couple games with this deck:
Game 1
This game was against Yorion, Sky Nomad, The Mimeoplasm, and Kaalia of the Vast.

I kept a 3 land hand expecting to do something with it but I didn't draw any more lands. I had to cash in a Veil of Summer just to draw a card. It still took me another turn where I missed a land drop before I could play another land.

In the mean time, Yorion got down Charming Prince so they had a loop going that no one could seem to interrupt. The Mimeoplasm was doing their best to outrace them though as they had a Sun Titan, Sepulchral Primordial, and Mime copying a Rune-Scarred Demon but it wasn't enough.

I ended up casting a few things and then using Chord of Calling to get some ramp but the constant looping of Yorion and Prince especially when they had Duplicant and Cloud of Faeries just led to everyone scooping. No one could get a board presence and they were able to just whittle us all down. The fact that I missed another land drop in there didn't help.
Game 2
In this game I played against Halvar, God of Battle // Sword of the Realms, Esika, God of the Tree // The Prismatic Bridge, and Amareth, the Lustrous.

I again kept a 3 land hand with no ramp, but I was hoping Hans Eriksson could help me out. I ended up drawing into a few lands so I just used Beast Whisperer for some cards.

Halvar ended up getting a Helm of the Host attached to Stoneforge Mystic which gave them a lot of equipment. And their first one was Hammer of Nazahn which allowed them to equip for free so they were coming out as the threat early.

I cast Xenagos the next turn and swung at one of Esika's planeswalkers to knock it down. For some reason, Halvar didn't want to kill it which I thought was strange so Esika got to keep their Walkers another turn.

My next turn I cast Selvala, Heart of the Wilds which I gave haste and buffed with Xenagos to then cast Elder Gargaroth. I also swung into Esika's Domri to kill it this time.

Amareth time out right after this.

Halvar was getting out of control a little and I kept trying to dig for Bane of Progress. I did get to Reclamation Sage which destroyed the Hammer as I felt that free equips were more important than them tutoring an Equipment each turn. Especially since they still had 6 cards in hand.

From here I basically just took over. I never did get a Bane of Progress but Xenagos with Selvala and Winding Canyons ended up winning me the game. I was able to attack with an Ilharg, dropped in a Craterhoof Behemoth and then used Winding Canyons to cast Rhonas the Indomitable and Kamahl, Fist of Krosa to trample over the remaining two players' creatures for a ton of damage.

Re: Xenagos, God of Revels

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 8:47 pm
by WizardMN
Now with Strixhaven and Commander 21 being fully revealed, here are the cards I want to talk about for this deck. As I have been doing lately, this includes both sets together:

Red Cards

Rionya, Fire Dancer - I am not sure on this mostly because I have enough creatures that are Legendary and I don't often cast a bunch of Instants or Sorceries before combat. But, the effect looks awesome and being able to copy something like Craterhoof, or Balefire Dragon, or even Elder Gargaroth sounds fun. I think I will try her out to see what she might be able to do.

Green Cards

Ecological Appreciation - I thought this looked like a fun card, and it probably is, but it is really just a much worse Tooth and Nail. And if I am not running that there isn't a good reason to run this.

Exponential Growth - I don't know if this is needed but it seems to fit the deck. Get Xenagos out one turn, double a creature's power and then use this to double it again (even just once) can really spell disaster for opponents. Doubling the power more than once is likely just game over for someone. It probably isn't needed but it looks fun so I am going to give it a try

Re: Xenagos, God of Revels

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 7:20 pm
by WizardMN
With the recent review, I have decided on trying the following changes:
Approximate Total Cost:

The additions were mentioned above so there isn't much need to re-hash those reasons. As for the Cuts:

Reshape was more of a fun card and I never got to use it. It really isn't needed so I might as well cut it here.

I have been getting pretty down on Moraug overall. I still thinks it works well in the deck but it never seems all that exciting even with getting additional combat phases. I think I just like "winning out of nowhere" with something like Exponential Growth :)

Re: Xenagos, God of Revels

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 4:34 pm
by WizardMN
I didn't really see anything of too much interest in Modern Horizons 2 for this deck. I might have missed something but nothing truly stood out. I just wanted to make sure I made a note of it that I did review the set :)

Re: Xenagos, God of Revels

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:53 pm
by WizardMN
I had a lot of fun with this deck but I think this deck has really shown that this isn't really my playstyle. I have a Boros deck for combat and while I am stopping with updating Gisela, I plan on building a new Boros deck eventually and I would prefer that be my main aggro deck. And I really only want one type of deck like that since I am not an aggro player: I am a control player. So I have found that, while this deck is fun, I never really want to play much with it. And, in too many cases, playing it just leads to a quick game. Which is fun but I do tend to like longer, drawn out games with more back and forth. So, I am going to stop updating this list and I have no immediate plans to replace it with anything else. If, for some reason, I do revisit this list, this will be a reminder for me that I stopped at Adventures of the Forgotten Realms.

I am not taking it apart until I find a totally new deck, and even then it will still exist online, so I may still update this thread with game summaries from time to time, but I don't really plan on spending any time, and money, on keeping it updated.