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Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 12:47 pm
by MeowZeDung
So, last night my 8 y/o son and I talked my wife and daughter into jamming some commander. It ended up being a very long game (It's impossible for a 4 player game with a 8 y/o and 14 y/o to be "quick", I've discovered. . .) and about halfway through my daughter started fiddling with a game on her phone. I explained how, even though the game had slowed down and it wasn't her turn, it is generally frowned upon to pull out a phone since you won't understand the board state once your turn rolls around. She understood and put it away. . . then promptly started arranging the pile of dice into rainbow order. At the end of the game we ended up with this:


Not a super high quality image, but you get the point. At one point she had even arranged the numbers to go up, then back down.

What are some of the wackier boredom busters you've seen/participated in during a long game?

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 2:05 pm
by RxPhantom
Long games in and of themselves don't bore me. What bores or annoys me is when players take obscenely long turns, whether it's because of decision paralysis or a series of masturbatory plays. In those cases, I just try to encourage them to move along. I know that's not exactly what you were asking, but it's what came to mind.

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 4:18 pm
by MeowZeDung
Agreed. The main slowdown for this particular game were constant fits of giggles and outside of game distractions. From a teenager and a grade-school boy. Who would've thunk it?

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 4:53 pm
by cryogen
For me it's the long games where I've basically run out of gas or got locked out. Essentially once I'm no longer an active participant.

My go-to boredom toy that isn't my phone is stacking dice.

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 6:29 pm
by pokken
If I have F6'd I will announce it clearly and then do whatever I want, usually only pulled out when someone is taking a long time to go off :P

Sometimes I draw a little doodle on one of my dry erase tokens and write F6 in giant characters on it.

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 3:06 pm
by cryogen
Well I caved and started playing Animal Crossing. RIP.

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 4:00 pm
by Rorseph
cryogen wrote:
4 years ago
Well I caved and started playing Animal Crossing. RIP.
Welcome to the dark side, friend. :grin:

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 5:04 pm
by MeowZeDung
It's full on gardening and yard work for me now that we're moved to the new place. When I'm too tired to do anymore or the weather isn't cooperating I'm on the Switch too. . . but not Animal Crossing. . .

I've been dabbling with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 speedrunning now that I finally completed my first blind playthrough after over a year of it on and off. Talk about the dark side, yeesh. That freakin' game. I can't tell if it's awful or amazing and I've sunk a lot of hours into it. It's fair to say it's an unhealthy mix of both I guess.

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 7:02 pm
by bobthefunny
I started playing some Legends of Runeterra. I kinda like how they handle instant speed responses in a mobile game.

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 7:57 pm
by ZenN
I'm trying to catch up on my Switch backlog. Just now playing games my wife got me for Christmas.

I just finished with Luigi's Mansion 3.

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 11:39 pm
by MeowZeDung
I will say that the switch has been absolutely the best console experience for me since my childhood ps1/n64 days. So much goodness. Odyssey really rivals SM64 for the #1 spot in the franchise imo, BotW was just stupid good, Mariokart was really well done and provides a great experience for all levels of skill. Lots of the indie titles have really surprised me with how good they are. The store isn't a dumpster fire of an experience and there isn't a sub system. . . yet. I even picked up one of the old Final Fantasy games for it, just for nostalgia sake. I love it and am dreading what Nintendo may cook up to spoil it :/

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 8:07 am
by Dragonlover
All you folks with a Switch want to grab Slay the Spire, a fantastic deck building roguelike that's also on Steam. I've sunk over 500 hours into it over the last few years, and I bought it on a mates recommendation on the basis that at the time it was less than a pizza.


Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 10:50 am
by tstorm823
And if you have friends and family, get Snipperclips, and then make other people play it.

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 3:53 pm
by cryogen
If you remember me talking a while back about a D&D themed horde, j finally followed through and wrote an article about it: articles/1064-hording-all-the-fun

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 2:25 am
by pokken
tstorm823 wrote:
4 years ago
And if you have friends and family, get Snipperclips, and then make other people play it.
We played this tonight, it was super fun - my wife, 5 year old and me :P lots of yelling and lots of PLEASE STOP CLIPPING ME but it was a fun time.

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 9:49 am
by MeowZeDung
cryogen wrote:
4 years ago
If you remember me talking a while back about a D&D themed horde, j finally followed through and wrote an article about it: articles/1064-hording-all-the-fun
I'll have to try this. I think my son will love it.

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 4:52 pm
by ISBPathfinder
First day back in my office today. Going to try to work from my office two days a week moving forward. I guess I am not really sure how I feel about it overall given honestly I don't believe that the covid thing is getting less serious.

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 6:49 pm
by Rorseph
ISBPathfinder wrote:
4 years ago
First day back in my office today. Going to try to work from my office two days a week moving forward. I guess I am not really sure how I feel about it overall given honestly I don't believe that the covid thing is getting less serious.
I'm definitely not looking forward to when my office re-opens. I'm definitely going to push my boss for working from home as long as I can since it's definitely not getting less serious in my neck of the woods.

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 8:44 pm
by tstorm823
Rorseph wrote:
4 years ago
I'm definitely not looking forward to when my office re-opens. I'm definitely going to push my boss for working from home as long as I can since it's definitely not getting less serious in my neck of the woods.
I mean, if the glistening oil doesn't get ya...

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 6:03 am
by Ulka
ISBPathfinder wrote:
4 years ago
First day back in my office today. Going to try to work from my office two days a week moving forward. I guess I am not really sure how I feel about it overall given honestly I don't believe that the covid thing is getting less serious.
Thankfully I know our area has been hit way less hard so far from what my cousin was saying. Hopefully it stays that way but this virus seems to find a way.

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 8:22 am
by Hermes_

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 2:22 pm
by ISBPathfinder
Am I some uncultured swine that I would rather watch a Broadway play on my tv than to be there in person. Every time I attend some large audience live performance of anything I end up in too small of a seat with no damn leg room and I start to feel like I have been pored into a sardine can.

I saw Hamilton (not original cast) a year or so back in Denver and I had crazy leg pain because I didn't have sufficient leg room. Maybe I am some Grinch but I much prefer to watch things over my TV than live in person.

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 3:23 pm
by cryogen
ISBPathfinder wrote:
4 years ago
Am I some uncultured swine that I would rather watch a Broadway play on my tv than to be there in person. Every time I attend some large audience live performance of anything I end up in too small of a seat with no damn leg room and I start to feel like I have been pored into a sardine can.

I saw Hamilton (not original cast) a year or so back in Denver and I had crazy leg pain because I didn't have sufficient leg room. Maybe I am some Grinch but I much prefer to watch things over my TV than live in person.
That's basically me for everything. Although, I do love how theaters have finally upgraded their seating.

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 6:08 pm
by SocorroTortoise
ISBPathfinder wrote:
4 years ago
First day back in my office today. Going to try to work from my office two days a week moving forward. I guess I am not really sure how I feel about it overall given honestly I don't believe that the covid thing is getting less serious.
Yeah, I don't really follow people who think everything should be back to normal. Nothing about the situation has really changed since mid-March so it just feels like we're inviting the problems we were trying to avoid by distancing/isolating. My company just told us that we're working at home through at least early September, so I'm glad they seem to be taking it seriously.

I'm a fan of live productions (theater, music, etc), but I'd rather go see something in a smaller venue than a big theater or a stadium. Those have always been a lot more fun and memorable for me.

Re: [Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 6:11 pm
by ZenN
We're on mandatory WFH until at minimum June 2nd. After that, there will be options for some people to return to the office if they wish, but the company is providing masks, hand sanitizer, etc, as well as having just had the office professionally cleaned/disinfected.